Inflation did not stop accleration in 2019
Inflation and forint cause headache
Interest rates in focus for a few days
Rationale arrives
MNB chief speaks before parliamentary committe
Versus Eurostat in accounting issues
Central bank publises quarterly Report on Inflation
Hearing set for Monday
it turns out who are still shorting the forint
Loose stance remains
And higher inflation too
Official statement and talk with analysts coming right up
Brief piece by Matolcsy could have knocked forint to new all-time low vs. EUR
Or it already has?
To stymie emergence of systemic risk arising from FX project loans.
A relatively eventless week ahead.
Can Hungary's central bank deliver a surprise on Tuesday?
Debt-to-GDP ratio breaks through key level.
We understand a lot of things but are missing a few, according to Matolcsy.